Tuesday, May 8, 2007

How do I know the Bible is accurate since it was written by man?

Throughout history, God has chosen to use man to accomplish his purpose and plan on earth. When it comes to delivering His Word to His people, He did not make an exception. He chose to use man to deliver His message. Think about Moses, he went up to Mount Sinai to meet with and hear from God and he came down with tablets and instructions for the people. God spoke His words through the man, Moses.

* Deuteronomy 18:18 says this, “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from
among their brethren; and I will put my words in his mouth.”
* Jeremiah says, “Then the Lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth: and the
Lord said to me, ‘Behold, I have my words in your mouth’ ”
* Deuteronomy 31 says that Moses wrote down these words, the law, and gave it to the

God’s words spoken through human lips are considered to be just as authoritative and just as true as God’s actual spoken words. As the matter of fact, by faith, we believe that Scripture is the written down, verbally spoken words of God.

The books of the Bible were physically penned by man, but we use the word Inspiration to describe God’s role in the writing. 2 Timothy 3 says that all scripture is God-breathed, which is the same type of language that is used in Genesis where God breathed life into man. Just as God breathed life into us, He breathed His words into the hearts of men, who by the power of the Holy Spirit wrote it down for us to have thousands of years after the fact.

So, we say that scripture is inspired, and we also say that scripture is alive. For example, often when I read Scripture, I glean new insights in passages that I’ve read a hundred times. It’s alive, it’s used by the Holy Spirit to instruct me in specific areas of my life. It’s used by God to give me direction in speaking truth into the lives of others. It is continually revealing more to me about God’s character and purposes.

Finally, we say that Scripture is Inerrant. Inerrancy means that Scripture in the original manuscripts does not affirm anything that is contrary to fact. Throughout history people have tried to prove the Bible inaccurate, yet it remains fully in tact as it was written. Skeptics such as Josh McDowell, Lee Strobel, and C.S. Lewis and many others have set out to prove Scripture inaccurate, but after intense study, these men didn’t find the errors they were looking for, and consequently they chose to believe the words they had studied and became followers of Christ.

As is true with everything in Christianity, by faith we believe in Scripture. My challenge would be to put it to the test. Read it, study it, apply it, live it, surround yourself with other people who are doing the same thing, and see if you can prove with your life that Scripture is accurate or inaccurate. I’m not a great fortune teller, but I know how it’s going to work out for you, the same as it has for many others.

By the grace of God, Scripture continues to be the inspired, living breathing, active, inerrant word of God. History has proven this, and you living according to the teachings of Scripture is the best evidence for accuracy there could ever be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You might want to consider explaining your answers to these tough questions a little better. I am more confused now than I was before I read your ridiculous blog. Just consider it.