Monday, June 11, 2007

Why can’t I stop choosing to rebel and run away from God?

Do you ever feel as though no matter how hard that you try, you just can’t seem to do things right. Paul says in Romans 7, “For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.” Are you the person that Paul is describing in this passage? If we really ask ourselves, we all fit into this description at some point in time or another.

This question is one that has been debated through out history. The conclusion is that we are a sinful people, and we need God’s redemption. From the very beginning, we as a people have chosen to rebel against God. Jeremiah tells us the heart is deceitful, and full of evil, how can anyone know it? Most every time, our hearts would choose what is sinful over God.

Unfortunately, we do not have a choice; we were born into sin. Our parents Adam and Eve handed down sin to us in our DNA. When Adam and Eve took a bite of the fruit that God had commanded them not to eat, sin was born into their hearts. It was in that moment, that rebellion against God was born into the human race. Their immediate response was to hide from God because they knew that they had done wrong. God, knowing already what they had done, asked Adam, “What have you done.” He wanted Adam to own up to the sin that he and his wife had committed

So what then is the antidote to the evil within our hearts? The opposite of darkness is light. God is light. John tells us that when the light was created, Jesus was present and an active part of the miraculous creation of light. Jesus is the light to our broken, sinful, evil, dark hearts. It is the recognition of His supremacy in our lives that allows the Spirit of God to enter in and change our hearts forever. Though we were born into sin, we can reborn in the Spirit, altering the consequences for our sin for all eternity

Paul tells us, “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Even though it is our natural desire to choose sin and rebellion, we have been given the opportunity of redemption through Jesus Christ and the renewing of our minds and spirits in Him.

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